One Step Forward

The Blue Co-operative Urban Thrift & Credit Society Ltd.

My enthusiasm seems to cause my world to endlessly offer me cooperative, co-creating experiences. I’m willing and I’m eager, and not just about my writing – I feel the same way about staying in shape, enjoying my family, giving a lecture, or whatever it may be.

Our Features

The Blue Co-operative Urban Thrift & Credit Society Ltd. providing facilities of loan. We ensure to help financially needy member of our society.

Regular Loan

Elected Members

Lower Interest

The The Blue Co-Operative Urban Thrift & Credit Society Ltd. is registered under the Delhi-state Cooperative Societies Act 2003 with  registration no. 784U. This Society has been in operation since 1987 providing timely financial help to its members at reasonable rates of interest. The main object of the Society is to promote the Saving habits of the members and to grant loans to them for useful purposes with an ultimate aim of improving the living standard of the members. The Society continues to progress and offers to meet the expectations of the members, true to the Cooperative tradition and spirit. Our team members who provide their services for the satisfaction of customers.

An Association of persons who have voluntarily joined to achieve a common economic ends through the formation of a democratically control business organization making Equitable contribution to the capital required and Accepting a fair share of the risk and benefit of the undertaking. The Mission of The Blue Co-Operative Urban Thrift & Credit Society Ltd. is to eradicate poverty by building a secure and transparent microfinance institution to provide financial assistance to the underprivileged, especially senior citizens, women, handicapped, and those living below the poverty line.

Our organization has adopted a Mutual Benefit approach in order to involve every member in our mission with a spirit of cooperation and mutual confidence. The Mutual Benefit has instituted a working culture, which revolves around efficiency, transparency, professionalism, teamwork and flexibility.

Quick Service

Less Documentation


More silent features

Legitimate Reason
Why Should You Choose Us

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We always stand with members of our society for their financial assistance. Over the period of time difference between rich and poor are increasing therefore we have decided to reduce this gap by helping our members bit by bit.